Level 2-Prep…Polish…Present


Greatness always challenges you to step outside your comfort zone

Level 2-Prep…Polish…Present takes you to the next level in the art of being what you speak. It’s a two-day mastermind group for developing and honing your material. Accelerate yourself beyond just okay and into excellence.

Are you:

  • Working on a specific presentation that just isn’t where you know it could be?
  • Wanting to be able to create an excellent presentation so you’re prepared next time?
  • Developing or playing with an idea or vision that you want to share, but don’t quite know how?
  • Needing to test your content on a group of people to get meaningful feedback and FeedForward®?
  • Unwilling to settle for mediocre content and delivery—to move out of good enough into greatness?

Evolve and elevate your magnificence

Level 2-Prep…Polish…Present is a catalyst for taking your speaking and presentations to new heights. You use your own content to explore and enhance all the elements of your presentations. Your audiences, team members, colleagues, directors, clients, students, and mentees will notice the difference as you increase your ability to:
  • Deepen, fine-tune, sharpen, and zestify your material and skills
  • Expand and strengthen your presence
  • Master the PREP formula, FeedForward®, and the Art of Practice

Stop just thinking about it and step in


When and where

Next Level 2 WorkshopTBA

Times: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Where:  TBA

Level 2 : $995 + GST

Level 1 AND Level 2: $995 + GST (regularly $1,690)

When you pre-purchase both Level 1 & 2 a minimum of three weeks prior to the first workshop, you receive the following THREE bonuses:

BONUS 1: Manage Meetings Masterfully Guide ($495 value)

BONUS 2: Lunch & snacks – locally sourced, whole food ($100 value)

BONUS 3: Draw for 2 hour public speaking coaching with Bill & Esther ($495 value)

For registrations via cheque or email money transfer
contact Esther directly: esther@standanddeliverworkshop.com 

Want to know more? Email or call us today!